IPCS - Pay Subscription

The International Playing-Card Society

Pay Subscription

Existing members of the International Playing-Card Society can use this page to renew their subscription by PayPal. A Paypal account is not required. If you do not have a PayPal account, payment can be made on the Paypal site with a Credit or Debit Card. If you are not yet a member of the IPCS, please go to the Join IPCS' page and fill in the application form before paying your subscription.

The IPCS subscription year runs from 1st January to 31st December. The cost depends on whether you wish to receive printed copies of IPCS publications or dowload digital copies or both. If you receive printed publications by post the subscription rate also depends on where you live.

Members with UK addresses

The IPCS UK subscription costs
  • print only 20 UK pounds per year
  • print plus digital 25 UK pounds per year
Members with addresses in Europe outside UK

The IPCS European subscription costs
  • print only 34 UK pounds per year
  • print plus digital 39 UK pounds per year
Members with addresses outside Europe

The IPCS subscription for members outside Europe to receive publications by airmail costs
  • print only 44 UK pounds per year
  • print plus digital 49 UK pounds per year
Members with digital only subscription

For IPCS membership with digital publications only - no printed copies
  • digital only 10 UK pounds per year

This page is maintained by John McLeod (webmaster@i-p-c-s.org)
Last updated 8th July 2017