Bibliography – (1) catalogues of permanent museum-based and private collections

Anon (presumably Felix Alfaro Fournier)
Museo de Naipes. Catalogo.
Heraclio Fournier S.A., Vitoria, 1968
text in Spanish. 32pp illustrated in b/w.
Playing Cards & Gambling Memorabilia at Auction. The Leonard Schneir Collection.
Noel Barrett Antiques & Auctions Ltd, Pennsylvania, 1994
text in English. 60pp. fully illustrated in colour.
A Supplement to the Catalogue of the Cary Collection of Playing Cards: Preliminary Descriptions.
In “The Yale University Library Gazette”, Vol 65, Numbers 1-2, October 1990
ISSN 0044 0175
text; 42 pp. illustrations.
Berry, John
Playing-cards of the world: Catalogue of the collection of the Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards and cards owned by Guildhall Library, City of London, where the collection has been deposited since the initial donation in 1908 by Henry Druitt Phillips.
Self-published, London, 1995.
text in English. over 500 pp., many b/w illustrations
Berry, John
The Waddington Playing-Card Collection : Catalogue of the Waddington deposit at Guildhall Library, London, Part 2.
Self-published, London, 2003
text in English. ±220 pp., many b/w illustrations
Bierdimpfl, K.A.
Die Sammlung der Spielkarten des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums
Munich, 1884
text in German.
Crasborn, P.L.H. & Vrouwenfelder, John
De Speelkaarten collectie van het Belastingmuseum
Belastingmuseum, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1993
ISBN 90 72367 03 0
text in Dutch.
Dornik-Eger, Hanna
Spielkarten und Kartenspiele.
Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst, Vienna, 1973 (Schriften des Österreichischen Museums für angewandte Kunst, 10)
text in German. 25 p. + 16 b/w pl.
Dummett, Michael
The Visconti-Sforza Tarot Cards
George Braziller Inc., New York, 1986
ISBN 0 8076 1140 9
text in English.
Eguía López de Sabando, José (ed.)
Museo “Fournier” de Naipes de Álava. Catalogo, Tomo III
Diputación Foral de Álava, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1994.
text in Spanish. 320 pp., fully illustrated in colour
Eguía López de Sabando, José (ed.)
Museo “Fournier” de Naipes de Álava. Catalogo, Tomo IV
Diputación Foral de Álava, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1997
text in Spanish. 436 pp., fully illustrated in colour
Essenwein, August von
Katalog der im Germanischen Museum befindlichen Kartenspiele und Spielkarten
Nuremberg, 1886.
text in German.
Fournier, Felix Alfaro
Museo de Naipes
Heraclio Fournier S.A., Vitoria, 1972
text in Spanish. 162pp most items illustrated in b/w.
Fournier, Felix Alfaro
Museo de Naipes Fournier
Heraclio Fournier S.A., Vitoria, 1981
text in Spanish. 20pp including many b/w illustrations.
Fournier, Felix Alfaro
Playing Cards. General History From Their Creation to the Present Day. Volume 1 of catalogue of Fournier collection
Fournier, Vitoria, Spain, 1982
ISBN 84 85074 11 4
text in English.
Fournier, Felix Alfaro
Playing Cards. General History From Their Creation to the Present Day. First supplement of catalogue of Fournier collection
Fournier, Vitoria, Spain, 1988
ISBN 84 85074 00 0
text in English.
Hamilton, Jean
Playing Cards in the Victoria and Albert Museum
HMSO, London, 1988
ISBN 0 11 290461 0
text in English.
Hargrave, Catherine Perry
A History of Playing Cards and a Bibliography of Cards and Gaming
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1930
reprinted by Dover Publications, Inc., 1966
(describes the collection of the USPCC)
text in English.
Hoffmann, Detlef
Altdeutsche Spielkarten 1500-1650. Catalogue of woodcut cards with german suits at the Deutsches Spielkarten Museum at Leinfelden-Echterdingen and Germanisches National Museum Nuremberg
Nuremberg 1993
ISBN 3 926982 28 4
text in German.
Hoffmann, Detlef
Spielkarten des Historischen Museums Frankfurt am Main
Frankfurt am Main, 1972
text in German.
Kaschel, Wilfried
Spielkarten in Museen von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Self-published, Neubrandenburg, 1991
text in German. 39pp. illustrated.
Keller, William B.
A Catalogue of The Cary Collection of Playing Cards in the Yale University Library
Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut, 1981
Volume I – Text
Volume II – Text
Volume III – Plates
Volume IV – Plates
ISBN 0 8457 3121 1
text in English.
Kroppenstedt, Erika & Detlef Hoffmann
Inventar-Katalog der Spielkarten-Sammlung des Stadtmuseums Linz
E Gundlach, Deutsches Spielkarten-Museum, Bielefeld, 1969
text in German. 90pp including 17 b/w plates.
Leyden, Rudolf von (with contributions by Michael Dummett)
Ganjifa, the playing cards of India. A general survey with a catalogue of the Victoria and Albert Museum collection
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1982
ISBN 0 905 20917 6
text in English. 128pp, well illustrated in b/w & colour.
(5: India)
Leyden, Rudolf von
Indische Spielkarten – Inventarkatalog der indischen Sammlung
Deutsches Spielkarten-Museum, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 1977
text in German. 156pp well illustrated in colour.
(5: India)
Mann, Sylvia
The William Penn Collection of Playing Cards
Self-published, Peasmarsh, 1966
text in English. 91pp + 2pp illustrations
O’Donoghue, Freeman M.
Catalogue of the Collection of Playing Cards bequeathed to the Trustees of the British Museum by the late Lady Charlotte Schreiber
Longmans, Green & Co. and others, London, 1901
text in English.
Phillips, Henry D.
Catalogue of the Collection of Playing cards of various Ages and Countries: formed by Henry D. Phillips (Master of the Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing cards, 1896-7)
Printed for private circulation, 1903
text in English.
Radau, Sigmar and Himmelheber, Georg
Spielkarten. Kataloge des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums Bd. 21
Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich, 1991
ISBN 3 422 06079 0
text in German.
Radau, Sigmar, & Matthes, Gerd
Deutsche Spielkarten 1650-1900: Katalog der Spielkarten mit deutschen Farben in der Sammlung des Germanischen Nationalmuseums.
Verlag des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, Nuremberg, 2001
text in German. 260 pp. many b/w and some colour illustrations
(5: Germany)
Schreiber, Lady Charlotte
Playing Cards of various Ages and Countries: Selected from the Collection of Lady Charlotte Schreiber. Volume I. English, Scottish, Dutch and Flemish.
John Murray, London, 1892
text in English.
Schreiber, Lady Charlotte
Playing Cards of various Ages and Countries: Selected from the Collection of Lady Charlotte Schreiber. Volume II. French and German.
John Murray, London, 1893
text in English.
Schreiber, Lady Charlotte
Playing Cards of various Ages and Countries: Selected from the Collection of Lady Charlotte Schreiber. Volume III. Swiss, Swedish, Russian, Polish, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, with a supplement of other countries.
John Murray, London, 1895
text in English.
Seguin, Jean-Pierre
Cartes à Jouer. Catalogue de la donation Paul Marteau
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, 1966
(including some illustrations).
Suarez Alba, Alberto
A Vitoria Barajas
Museo Fournier de Naipes, Vitoria, 1992
ISBN 84 7821 091 1
text in Spanish with parallel supplements in English and Basque. This is a history of the Fournier collection.
Willshire, William Hughes
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Playing and Other Cards in the British Museum
First published in 1876 with a `Supplementary Portion’ dated 1877.
ISBN 0 7141 0747 6 (reprint in one volume)
text in English.