Bibliography – (4) Playing-card history and speculations on their origins

D’Allemagne, Henry-René
Les cartes à jouer du XIVe au XXe siècle
Hachette, Paris, 1906.
(There is also an anastatic facsimile by Arnaldo Forni, Bologna, 1975.)
text in French.
Bachman, Kurt
Die Spielkarte
Altenburg, 1932
text in German.
Beal, George
Discovering Playing Cards & Tarots
Shire Publications Ltd, Tring, 1972
ISBN 0 85263166 9
text in English. 57pp, useful illustrations.
Beal, George
Playing-Cards and Tarots. Shire Album No.217
Shire Publications Ltd, Princes Risborough, 1988
text in English. 32pp, useful illustrations.
Beal, George
Playing Cards and Their Story
David & Charles, Newton Abbott, 1975
ISBN 0 7153 6876 1
text in English.
Benham, W. Gurney
Playing Cards. History of the Pack and Explanations of Its Many Secrets
Ward, Lock & Co. Ltd., London, 1931 (also reprinted by Spring Books, London, no date)
text in English.
Benham, W. Gurney
A Short History of Playing Cards
W.B. Harris Ltd., Bristol 1956
text in English.
Berend, Mihaly (Foszerkeszto) and Janoska, Antal (Tarsszerkeszto)
Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1993
ISBN 963 05 6557 9
text in Hungarian.
Berkel, Nico Peters van, and Haleber, Bob C. T.
De speelkaart, Zes eeuwen des duivels prentenboek
Uitgeverij Heureka, Weesp, 1982
ISBN 90 6262 471 5
text in Dutch. 144pp. Well illustrated.
Bernstroem, J.
Stockholm, 1960
text in Swedish.
Breitkopf, Johann Gottlieb Immanuel
Versuch den Ursprung der Spielkarten, die Einfuhrung des Leinenpapiers und den Anfang der Holzschneidekunst in Europa
Zentralantiquariat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Leipzig, 1985
(facsimile of first edition Breitkopf, Leipzig, 1784)
text in German. 136pp + 14 loose plates.
Carter, Thomas Francis
The Invention of Printing in China and its Spread Westward
Columbia University Press, New York, 1925
text in English.
Castelli, Alfredo
Viaggio curioso nel Mondo delle Carte
Fratelli Fabri Editori, Milan, 1975
text in Italian. 160pp, well illustrated.
Chatto, William Andrew
Facts and Speculations on the Origin and History of Playing Cards
John Russell Smith, London, 1848
text in English.
Clulow, George
Peculiar Playing Cards.
In “Strand Magazine”, Vol V. 1893. Part I Jan pp.77-83; Part II Feb pp.148-155
text in English. 35 figs.
Cohen, S. A.
The Origin and History of Playing-Cards
New York, 1916
text in English.
Depaulis, Thierry
Charles, Judith, Hector et les autres….
In “Jeux et Strategie”, No.57, April 1989
text in French. 2pp. illustrated.
Dummett, Michael
The Game of Tarot
Duckworth & Co., London, 1980
ISBN 0 7156 1014 7
text in English, 600 pp, 36 b/w plates.
(4) (6: Tarot)
Dummett, Michael & Kamal Abu-Deeb
Some remarks on Mamluk playing cards
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol.XXXVI, pp.106-28, 1973
text in English.
François, Andre
Histoire de la Carte à jouer
Imprimerie SERG, Ivry, 1974
text in French. 355pp profusely illustrated
Geisberg, Max
Alte Spielkarten
Verlag Valentin Koerner, Baden-Baden, 1973
(reprint of three articles from 1905, 1910 and 1918 with introduction by Hellmut Rosenfeld)
ISBN 3 87320 205 0
text in German. 311pp illustrations of all cards from 3 packs.
Gerlinger, Guy-Pierre
Cartes à Jouer & Philatélie. Répertoire.
Self-published, Paris, 1986
text in French. 16pp. illustrated.
Goldsmid, Edmund
Explanatory Notes of a Pack of Cavalier Playing Cards Temp. Charles II Forming a Complete Political Satire of the Commonwealth
E. & G. Goldsmid, Edinburgh, 1886.
text in English.
Grupp, Claus D.
Spielkarten und ihre Geschichte. Historisches um des Teufels Gebetbuch
ASS Verlag, Leinfelden, 1973
ISBN 3 7601 9201 7
text in German. 88pp. Illustrations as in Spielkarten aus aller Welt.
Handelsman, Norman R.
Serious Reflections
The Plantin Press, 1977
Reprint of an Article by Giles Smith 1754
text in English.
Hermansen, J. V. V.
Spillekort 1350 – 1950
Branner og Korch, Copenhagen, 1950
text in Danish.
Hodson, Donald
County Atlases of the British Isles, Vol I
The Tewin Press, Welwyn, 1984
Describes some geographical packs, and gives good accounts of Lenthall and Bowles
text in English. 200pp largely unillustrated.
Hoffmann, Detlef
Die Welt der Spielkarte/The Playing Card. An Illustrated History.
Edition Leipzig, Leipzig, 1972 (also 1973, English version)
text in German.
Hoffmann, Detlef
Gemalte Spielkarten. Eine kleine Geschichte der Spielkarte.
Insel Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1985
ISBN 3 458 32612 X
text in German. 158pp, well illustrated.
Hoffmann, Detlef
Kultur- und Kunstgeschichte der Spielkarte
Jonas, Marburg, 1995
text in German. 270 pp. many b/w and colour illustrations
Hoffmann, Detlef and Dietrich, Margot
Geschichte auf Spielkarten 1789-1871
Deutsches Spielkarten-Museum, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 1987
ISBN 3 922608 46 9
text in German.
Horr, Norton T.
A Bibliography of Card-Games and of the History of Playing-Cards
see Jessel, Frederic – A Bibliography of Works in English on Playing Cards and Gaming
Janssen, Han
De Geschiedenis van de Speelkaart
Uitgeverij Elmar b.v., Rijswijk, 1985
ISBN 906120 4674
text in Dutch, English summary. 356 pages, profusely illustrated.
Janssen, Han
C.A.J. van Dishoeck, Bussum, 1965.
text in Dutch.
Jessel, Frederic
A Bibliography of Works in English on Playing Cards and Gaming
Longmans Green & Co, London, 1905


Horr, Norton T.
A Bibliography of Card-Games and of the History of Playing-Cards
Cleveland, Ohio, 1892
Republished in one volume
Patterson Smith, Montclair N.J., 1972
text in English. No illustrations.
Joy, Edward T.
HMSO for V&A Museum, London, 1982
ISBN 0 11 290301 0
text in English. 64pp. some illustrations.
Kolb, Eugene
Old Playing-Cards from the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth Century.
Hungaria Books, Budapest, 1939-40
(translation from original Hungarian)
text in English. 83pp illustrated in gaudy colours.
Kolb, Jenoe
Regi Jatekkartyak, Magyar es kulfoldi kartyafestes XV. – XIX. szazad
1984 (Reprint, original edition 1939)
ISBN 963 02 2785 1
text in Hungarian.
Gutenberg and the Master of the Playing Cards
Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 1966
text in English. 83pp illustrated in b/w.
Manfredo, Luigi
Le carte da gioco udinese di Giacomo Bolognatto
In “Bolletin delle Civiche Istituzioni Culturali”, Terzo serie, numero 1, Udine, 1992
text in Italian. 16pp, well illustrated.
Mann, Sylvia
Collecting Playing Cards
First published 1966 by MacGibbon & Kee Ltd. with SBN 7030 0023 3
Howard Baker Press, London, 1979
ISBN 0 7030 0145 0
text in English.
Mann, Silvia and Wayland, Virginia
The Dragons of Portugal
Sandford, Farnham, 1973
On the relation between Portuguese and Japanese cards.
text in English.
Mann, Sylvia and David Kingsley
Playing Cards Depicting maps of the British Isles and of English and Welsh Counties
The Map Collectors’ Circle, London, 1972.
text in English.
Mayer, L.A.
Mamluk Playing Cards
In “Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archeologie Orientale”, Tome XXXVIII, pp.113-118 ff. 1939
text in French. 6 plates.
Mayer, L.A. (Edited by Ettinghausen, R. & Kurz, O.)
Mamluk Playing Cards
E J Brill, Leiden, 1971
text in English. 10pp + 57 figs + frontispiece & 5 plates in colour.
Merlin, Romain
Origine des cartes à Jouer: Recherches nouvelles sur les naibis, les tarots et sur les autres especes de cartes
chez l’auteur, Paris, 1869
text in French.
Meurer, Heribert
Das Stuttgarter Kartenspiel. The Stuttgart Playing Cards.
Wurttembergisches Landesmuseum, Stuttgart, 1991
ISBN 3 8062 1009 8
Reprint of booklet formerly accompanying facsimile pack
text in German and English. 168pp, all cards fully illustrated.
Morley, H.T.
Old and Curious Playing Cards
Bracken Books, London, 1989
ISBN 1 85170 330 6
Facsimile of book first published in 1931 by B.T. Batsford with added plates
text in English.
O’Neill, Robert V.
Tarot symbolism
Fairway Press, Lima, Ohio, 1986
ISBN 0 89536 936 2
text in English. 392pp. unillustrated.
(8) (6: Tarot)
Pilipczuk, Alexander
Ein musikalisches Kartenspiel aus dem letzten Drittel des 18 Jahrhunderts
In Jahrbuch der Hamburger Kunstsammlungen, Band 16, pp.119-146, 1971
text in German. 35 figs.
Pinder, Eberhard
Charta Lusoria
Basoderm, GmbH, Biberach an der Riss, 1961
text in German.
Reisig, Otto
Die Kartenruckseiten in ihrer Bedeutung fur die zeitliche Festlegung der Spielkarten
In ‘Thuringische Studien, Festschrift fur Feier des 250-jahrigen Bestehens der Thuringischen Landes-bibliothek Altenburg”, pp.122-133 and figs 1-29, Altenburg, 1936.
text in German.
Le jeu de cartes Mongol & A propos du chamanisme Mongol.
In “Studia Orientalia Edidit Societas Orientalis” Fennica XVIII:4, Helsinki, 1955
text in French. 16pp. with figs.
Rosenfeld, Hellmut
Die Beziehung der europaischer Spielkarten zum Orient und zum ur-Schach
In “Archiv fur Kulturgeschichte”, Band 42, Heft 1, Bohlau Verlag, Cologne & Graz, 1960
text in German. 2 figs.
Rosenfeld, Hellmut
Die Kupferstich-Spielkarten des 15 Jahrhunderts und neu entdeckte Vexier-Karten des 17 Jahrhunderts zwischen Buchillustration und Gebrauchsgraphik
In “Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1988”, pp. 257-268
text in German. 8 figs.
Rosenfeld, Hellmut
Wann und wo wurde die Holzschnitt erfunden?
In “Archiv fur Geschichte des Buchwesens”, Band 34, 1990, pp.327-342
text in German.
Rosenfeld, Hellmut
Zur Datierbarkeit früher Spielkarten in Europa und im nahen Orient
In “Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1975”, pp.353-371.
text in German. 14 figs.
Rosenfeld, Hellmut
Zur Geschichte de Spielkarten Forschungsbericht 1965-1975
In “Borsenblatt fur den Deutschen Buchhandel”, Frankfurt, Nr 78, pp.286-297, 1976
text in German. Unillustrated. Bibliography with 95 entries.
Rosenfeld, Hellmut
Zur vor- und fruhgeschichte und Morphogenese von Kartenspiel und Tarock
In “Archiv fur Kulturgeschichte”, Band 42, Heft 1, pp.65-94, Bohlau Verlag, Cologne & Vienna, 1970
text in German. unillustrated.
Rosenfeld, Hellmut and Kohlmann, Erwin
Deutsche Spielkarten aus fuenf Jahrhunderten
Insel, Frankfurt, 1964
text in German.
Rosenfeld, Helmut & Kohlmann, Erwin
Die schonsten Deutschen Spielkarten
Insel Verlag, Leipzig, n.d.
text in German. 51pp including 36 plates.
Rumpf, Marianne
Zur Entwicklung der Spielkartenfarben in der Schweiz, in Deutschland und in Frankreich
In “Schweizerischen Archiv fur Volkskunde”, 72 Jahrgang, Heft 1-2, pp.1-32, Basel 1976
text in German. 16 figs, plus diagrams.
Schreiber, Wilhelm-Ludwig
Die ältesten Spielkarten und die auf das Kartenspiel Bezug habenden Urkunden der 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
J.H.Ed. Heitz, Strasbourg, 1937
text in German. 176 pp., XII b/w plates
Reprint: A.W. van Bekhoven, Naarden, nd (1960s)
Segeth, Uwe-Volker
Spielkarten. Battenberg Sammler-Kataloge
Battenberg Verlag, Munich, 1986
ISBN 3 87045 218 8
text in German. 182pp, well illustrated.
Segeth, Uwe-Volker
Spielkarten Jugendstil und Art Deco
Edition Christian Brandstatter, Vienna, 1994
ISBN 3 85447 447 4
text in German.
(4) (6: Art)
Seguin, Jean-Pierre
Le jeu de carte
Hermann, Paris, 1968
text in French. 345pp Well illustrated.
Singer, Samuel Weller
Researches into the History of Playing Cards, with illustrations of the origin of printing and engraving on wood
London, 1816
text in English.
Taylor, The Reverend S.
The History of Playing Cards With Anecdotes of Their Use in Conjuring, Fortune-Telling and Card-Sharping
John Camden Hotten, London, 1865
ISBN 0 8048 1026 5
(This is also available as a reprint pocketbook published by Tuttle, Rutland and Tokio, 1973, ISBN 0 8048 1026 5)
text in English.
Taylor, The Reverend Ed. S.
The History of Playing Cards With Anecdotes of Their Use in Conjuring, Fortune-Telling and Card-Sharping
Reprinted by Charles E Tuttle Company, Rutland Vermont & Tokyo Japan, 1973
ISBN 0 8048 1026 5
text in English.
Tilley, Roger
Playing Cards
Octopus, London, 1973
ISBN 0 7064 0049 6
text in English.
(First published 1967 by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, also published with German text and title “Spielkarten”, by Parkland, Stuttgart with date 1967)
Tilley, Roger
A History of Playing Cards
Studio Vista, London, 1973
ISBN 0 289 70184 8
text in English.
Torgny, Ove
Tio spel med spader kung. Historia kring spelkort och kortspel
Bilda Förlag, Stockholm, 2003
ISBN 91-574-7484-2
text in Swedish.
Trumpf, Peter
Die Spielkarte
VASS, Stuttgart-Leinfelden, without date (1957)
text in German.
Van Rensselaer, Mrs John King
Prophetical Educational and Playing Cards
George W. Jacobs and Co., Philadelphia, 1912
text in English.
Van Rensselaer, Mrs John King
The Devil’s Picture Books, A History of Playing Cards.
T.Fisher Unwin, London, 1892
text in English.
Verame, Jean
Les Merveilleuses Cartes à Jouer Du XIXe Siècle
Editions Nathan, Paris, France, 1989
ISBN 2 09 290157 5
text in French.
Verame, Jean
Sublimes cartes à jouer
Editions du Félin, Paris, France, 2007
ISBN-10 28664565997
ISBN-13 978-2-86645-659-7
text in French, English & Italian.
Wayland, Virginia
Apache Playing Cards from the Wayland Collection
Wayland Playing Card Monograph No.3, self-published, Pasadena, 1972
text in English. 10pp.
Wayland, Virginia and Wayland, Harold and Ferg, Alan
Playing Cards of the Apaches. A Study in Cultural Adaption
Wayland Playing Card Monograph No.4, Screenfold Press, Tucson AZ, 2006
text in English. 318pp.
Wayland, Virginia
The Winstanley Geographical Cards
Self published, Pasadena, California, 1967
text in English. 75pp, all cards illustrated.
Wayland, Virginia & Harold
Francis Barlow’s sketches for The Meal Tub Plot playing cards
Self-published, Pasadena, California, 1971
text in English. 41pp illustrated.
Wayland, Virginia and Harold
Of Carving, Cards and Cookery
Raccoon Press, Arcadia, California, USA, 1962
text in English.
Weise, Peter
Rund um die Spielkarte
Verlag Tribune, Berlin, 1986
ISBN 3 7303 0016 4
text in German.
Wowk, Kathleen
Playing Cards of the World
Lutterworth Press, Guildford, Surrey, 1983
ISBN 0 7188 2408 3
text in English.
Yale University Library
The Art Of The Playing Card, The Cary Collection
Yale University Library, Yale, 1973.
text in English.
Zsoldos, Beno
A Jatekkartya es Tortenete
Gondolat, Budapest, 1980
ISBN 963 280 885 1, ISSN 0133 0489
text in Hungarian. 128pp, well illustrated.