The Playing-Card

Volume 47 No. 4, April - June 2019

. The Do’s and Don’ts of Dying.
● 192-193
. One of a Kind. [response to: . One of a kind: Designs by Joseph Sürch. ]
● 198
, . The WCMPC Collection online.
● 198-199
. TDC Inc.: A 20th Century American Playing Card Maker.
● 208-216
. One of a kind: A Pack From WWI.
● 217-219
. Atlante tascabile e minchiate del 1780.
● 230-240
. News from Austria’s Past (12): The Debardeur Tarot - a hitherto unknown 19th century Viennese Tarock?
● 241-248


. Review of , Pamela Colman Smith – The Untold Story.
● 224-225
. Review of , Verzamelde Speelkaarten: de Frank van den Bergh collectie.
● 225
. Review of , Ročenka 2017, Yearbook of the Czech playing card collectors club.
● 226-227
. Review of , , Katonai kártyák - Kártyázó katonák (War cards).
● 227-228
. Review of , Georgian and Victorian Board Games: The Liman Collection.
● 228-229


. Günther Senst 28 March 1935 – 10 March 2019.
● 187