The Playing-Card

Volume 42 No. 4, April - June 2014

. Kendal Playing Card Sales - the last deal.
● 204
. Pack or deck or ?
● 204-205
. A Transformation Playing-Card Drawing.
● 205-206
see also response by . Transformation Playing-Card Drawing.
. Transformation playing-cards after William Hogarth.
● 206-207
. Hudson Industries - an Australian playing card maker.
● 215-216
. Playing the Game: Varieties of Cucumber.
● 217-220
. The Stag Rider from the So-called “Tarot of Alessandro Sforza” at the Museo Civico di Castello Ursino of Catania.
● 221-236
. I tarocchi nel Regno Sabaudo dal 1815 all'Unità d'Italia (2).
● 237-258