Journey to St. Petersburg: a new playing card museum.
● 0
Playing-card use in the USA in the 1920s.
● 165
Latvian wartime playing-cards.
● 178-179
French suited tarot packs in Denmark and the Jacob Holmblad animal tarot.
● 180-189
A pair of transformation packs.
● 190-204
Playing Cards in Rome – 15th-17th Centuries.
● 205-211
Playing the Game: Five-player Dasavatartas from West Bengal.
● 218-226
Review of ,
Six XV-century tarot cards: who painted them?
● 165-166
Review of ,
Cartes à jouer. Des objets qui racontent l'Histoire.
● 172
Review of , ,
Die Spielkarten des Industrie Comptoirs in Leipzig. Studien zur Spielkarte Nr. 12.
● 173
Review of , ,
Twenty Years of Tarot - The Lo Scarabeo Story - 1987-2007.
● 174-175
Review of ,
Sublimes cartes à jouer.
● 176-177