The Playing-Card

Volume 36 No. 2, October - December 2007

. Report from Ravenna.
● 79-80
. French playing card manufacture in the 1890s.
● 83-84
. A tarocchino terziglio in 1550 Ferrara.
● 84
. The first playing-card museum in Russia.
● 86-87
, , . Recognizing a Nineteenth-Century Apache Playing Card Artist: The Tonto Naipero.
● 100-120
. Bhavnagar State Historical Cards: New Finds.
● 121-128
. Du piquet au whist : les marqueurs de jeu de cartes entre France et Grande-Bretagne.
● 129-143
. Cards and Card-Playing in Muscovite Russia.
● 144-148
. Playing the Game: Italian Games and Recent Books.
● 155-159


. Review of , , , , Le carte da gioco in Emilia e Romagna, secoli XVIII e XIX.
● 94-95
. Review of , Girolamo Cardano. Liber de ludo aleae.
● 96-98
. Review of , The big explanatory-encyclopedic gambling dictionary [Большой картёжный словарь : толково-энциклопедический].
● 99

Exhibition Notices

. Giochi d'Ingegno, Giochi di Fortuna.
● 77
. A Todos Alumbra - An exhibition by Maria Bellezza.
● 77-78
. Es war einmal... - Märchen auf Spielkarten (Once upon a time... - Fairy Tales on Playing-Cards).
● 78