The Playing-Card

Volume 32 No. 6, May - June 2004

. The Turn of a Friendly Card.
● 220-221
see also response by , . The Turn of a Friendly Card.
. The Tarot Myth.
● 225-227
. On the Origin of Styles: Taxonomy and the Evolution of the English pattern.
● 230-243
see also correction by .
. Des “cartes communément appelées taraux” 2ème partie.
● 244-249
. Playing the Game: Brelan in Belgium – the game of Peeën.
● 255-258
. A 19th Century Czech Nationalistic Pack by Emanuel Neumann.
● 262-265
. Playing-Cards and the Olympic Games.
● 266-268


. Review of , Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot.
● 253-254

Exhibition Notices

. Cartes à Jouer et Tarots de Marseille.
● 220


. John Berry 1929-2004: an appreciation.
● 223-224