The Playing-Card

Volume XXIV No. 2, September - October 1995

. Le Coucou en France.
● 38-42
. Unknown Chinese Pack.
● 42
see also response by , . Unknown Chinese Pack.
see also addendum by . Mystery Chinese Pack is a Mystery No More!
, , . Do We Need a Name? [response to: . Do We Need a Name? ]
● 47
. The I.P.C.S. Convention in London.
● 48-50
. The Portrait de Paris After World War II.
● 51-54
. Errata: August Issue. [correction to: . Casino From Nowhere, to Vaguely Everywhere. ]
● 56
. Goodall Aces of Spades.
● 57
see also response by . Goodall-like Aces of Spades.


Laurence Alt.
● 68