Suit System: | G |
Recommended name: | Swabian pattern, Type Darmstadt |
Three clearly distinguishable and timely successive appearing types of the Swabian pattern are known: Type Ulm (IPCS # 104), Type Darmstadt (IPCS # 105) and Type Stralsund (IPCS # 106). The Type Darmstadt is a historicized new drawing which originated most certainly at Darmstadt. This new version superseded the Type Ulm from around 1870. The new drawing started single headed followed by a double headed version which replaced the single headed one totally at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. In the year 1929 the last manufacturer at Darmstadt was taken over by the Vereinigte Stralsunder Spielkartenfabriken AG. This was the end for the Type Darmstadt of the Swabian pattern.
The most characteristic feature of all three types of the Swabian pattern are the four Daus cards. They show shields with different icons: citizenship and free time symbolized by playing cards, pipe, beer glass und musical instrument on Acorns, artistry symbolized by painting and literature on Leaves, art of war symbolized by weapons and trumpet on Hearts as well as farming and trade symbolized by spade, hoe, scale and money bag on Bells. Compared to the Type Ulm the Kings have removed their armor und are now dressed with a long tunic under their gown. Their beards are much longer. King of Leaves now holds a harp -borrowed from French suited cards of that time- and represents perhaps King David. Like the King of Acorns the King of Bells holds now an orb as well. The Unters lost at least a part of their armor as well. The Unter of Leaves has now a short haircut and became particularly characteristic for the Type Darmstadt. The numeral cards have only one canon. The clothing of the people pictured on them is that of the 19th century. The issues of the double headed version made by Frommann & Bünte show -as to some extend other standard playing cards made in Darmstadt- different colouring on each half of the figure cards. This is in contrast to at least the later issues of the double headed version made by Frommann & Morian (see pictures of the double headed version).
24 cards, Daus, King, Ober, Unter, X and VII, for Gaigel and Binokel. 36 cards, Daus, King, Ober, Unter, X to VI.
Frommann, Maximilian, Darmstadt; Frommann & Bünte, Darmstadt; Frommann & Morian, Darmstadt; Arnold, Xaver, Neuburg a.d.D. (at least sale).
Kohlmann, Theodor et al.: Bube Dame König, Berlin 1982, p. 113; Mann, Sylvia: All Cards on the Table, Leinfelden-Echterdingen and Marburg 1990, p. 62ff; Büchler, Frieder and Klaus-Jürgen Schultz: Mit offenen Karten, Au and Hamburg 2004, p. 15; Hausler, Manfred: Das Schwäbische Bild, in DAS BLATT 44, Berlin 2011, p. 89ff; Stolzenburg, Kay: Von Sofadamen und Löwenschultern, Wehrheim 2012, p. 197ff.
Swabian pattern, Type Darmstadt, single headed version.![]()